The Department of Social Work has collaborated with the participating organisations of NGOLP on publishing organization’s annual reports, journal articles and some evaluation studies. The cooperation on research has facilitated the process of knowledge transfer between the academia and NGO sector.
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Zhou, H., Dai, H. & Jung, N. (2019) Empowering migrant domestic helpers through financial education. International Journal of Social Welfare. 1-19.
The provision of financial education for migrant domestic helpers is an important service that could enhance their financial well‐being and the well‐being of their families. However, in that migrant domestic helpers are often excluded from protection in the host country, such services are few and empirical research in this area is rare. In this article, we report the findings of an evaluation study on a financial literacy education programme provided by a Hong Kong organisation serving Filipina and Indonesian migrant domestic workers. Using a quasi‐experimental design, we confirmed the effectiveness of the programme. Participants who attended the programme developed improved financial knowledge and behaviour. Their general self‐efficacy and financial self‐efficacy were also enhanced…
Organization’s Reports
The Organisation’s Reports
Zhou, H. & Mary Yau-Ng, M. L. T. (2018) Evaluation Study of TWF’s Employability Training Programme for Marginalised Women 2018, Final Report. The Women’s Foundation. 1-19.
“This report by ZHOU Huiquan, Mary (Principal Investigator) and YAU NG Lai Tuen, Monica (Co-Investigator), from the Department of Social Work at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, shows that the programme had a significant positive impact on the lives of the participants. The evaluation employed a mixed-methods design, using quantitative methods to assess the effectiveness of the programme at the individual, family and community levels, while using qualitative methods to understand the perceptions and experiences of the participants in the programme, as well as to explore the factors conducive to the success of the programme. The long-term influences of the programme, its applicability to other marginalised groups and its sustainability were also investigated using qualitative methods. Together, the findings shed light on the underlying causes of the feminisation of poverty and should stimulate the development of a strategy for dealing with this growing problem” …
Evaluation Studies
Some of our participating Organisations cooperated with our CUHK scholars to conduct evaluation studies on their own organisations and programmes. Prof. Mooly Wong helped Resolve to conduct research on evaluating their project design for “Social Justice Fellowship”. The study also analyses the success of the project in enhancing participants’ knowledge and skills on advocacy, leadership, human rights and team work; and on fostering community leaders in Hong Kong.
Evaluation Studies
Organization’s Reports
Organization’s Reports
Zhou, H., Dai, H., Hu, M & Tadeo, M.C.M. (2017) Impact Evaluation Study of Enrich’s “Financial and Empowerment Education Programme”. Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Enrich Personal Development Limited. 1-66.
“As one of Hong Kong’s leading organisations for promoting the economic empowerment of migrant domestic workers, Enrich offers a series of workshops on financial education and personal development, as well as a personal financial consultation service to migrant domestic workers. The intervention covers a broad range of topics on financial literacy and is delivered in the service approach to empowerment.”…